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● Difficulties in the ER could predict the tendency to IPV.
● Difficulties in ER were directly associated with a tendency to IPV.
● Impulsivity presented a mediating role between difficulties in ER and the tendency to IPV.
● Experiential avoidance played a mediating role between difficulties in ER and the tendency to IPV.
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Internet pornography, defined as any pornographic content, i.e. accessible over the internet, is associated with family and marital dysfunctions, psychological distress, and poor social and vocational performance. Research has suggested that deficiency in the ER can be responsible for IPV. However, there is no clear understanding of the possible underlying mechanisms by which difficulties in ER may influence IPV. In this study, we investigated the direct and indirect effects of difficulties in ER, impulsivity, and experiential avoidance on the tendency to IPV using a structural equation modeling approach. According to our study results, the model had a good fit with the collected data. The obtained results indicated that difficulties in the ER were positively associated with the tendency to IPV. Moreover, impulsivity and experiential avoidance presented direct effects on the tendency to IPV, and a mediating role between difficulties in ER and tendency to IPV.