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• Other-people inner speech can predict anxiety, depression, and somatization disorders
• Evaluative (critical) inner speech can predict distress symptoms
• Positive (regulative) inner speech can negatively predict anxiety, depression, and distress
Plain Language Summary
Research shows that how people talk to themselves affects how they feel. Inner speech is a cognitive strategy that can influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. There are four types of inner speech: Dialogic, evaluative (critical), other-people, condensed, and positive (regulatory). The present study was conducted to investigate the role of inner speech styles in predicting symptoms of anxiety, depression, somatization, and distress in the general population of Iran. Based on the results, in people with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and somatization disorders, the other-people inner speech was the stronger predictor compared to other types of inner speech. On the other hand, in subjects with distress symptoms, evaluative (critical) inner speech was the strongest predictor.