Volume 3, Issue 2 (Spring 2015-- 2015)                   PCP 2015, 3(2): 137-143 | Back to browse issues page

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Heydari H, Dolatshahi B, Mahdaviani A, Eslaminejad A. Asthma Control on the Basis of Perceived Stress, Locus of Control, and Self-efficacy in Patients with Adult Asthma. PCP 2015; 3 (2) :137-143
URL: http://jpcp.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-261-en.html
1- Organization
2- Substance Abuse and Dependence Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , Dolatshahee@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5343 Views)

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prediction of asthma control on the basis ofAWT IMAGE perceived stress, locus of control, and self-efficacy in adult patients with asthma. 

Methods: This was a descriptive-correlative and cross-sectional study.The solecty of this study is all asthmatic patients in Tehran. our sample consisted of 100 participants who were selected by purposeful sampling method. A total of 100 patients with asthma were selected among outpatients of Masih Daneshvari Hospital. Participants included 52 women and 48 men. Their mean (±SD) age was 36.12 (±9.82) years. Sociodemographic data were collected and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC), Asthma Self-efficacy Scale (ASES), and Asthma Control Test (ACT) were applied. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS ver. 16.0. 
Results: The results indicated that there were negative significant relationships between perceived stress, dimension of external control (chance) and asthma control, but positive significant relationships between self-efficacy and asthma control. In regression analysis, the perceived stress was the predictor of asthma control. 
Conclusion: In this study, our findings suggest that perceived stress has an important role in the development and maintenance of asthma symptoms. In addition, self-efficacy and a tendency to externally attribute the locus of control (chance) are significantly associated with asthma control.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Approach to biological neural
Received: 2014/04/2 | Accepted: 2014/09/18 | Published: 2015/04/1

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