Mirbagheri L, Khatibi A, Seyed Mousavi P. Situational Modulation of Emotion Recognition Abilities in Children With Secure and Insecure Attachment: The Role of Gender. PCP 2020; 8 (3) :183-192
1- Department of Family Therapy Psychology, Family Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Centre of Precision Rehabilitation for Spinal Pain, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom of England. , ali.khatibi@gmail.com
3- Family Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (3363 Views)
Objective: Considering the role of attachment in the emotional development of children, the purpose of this study was to test the situational modulation of emotion recognition in children with secure/insecure attachment with regard to gender in Iranian students.
Methods: this casual comparative study was done on a pool of 200 students aged 7-9 years from elementary schools of Tehran, Iran. The participants completed the Middle Childhood Attachment Scale (MCSA), of whom 60 children were assigned to two groups based on their scores on MCAS (secure vs. insecure). They read stories developed to manipulate the attachment schema, and after each story, they were tested for emotion recognition abilities (classification and intensity rating). Happy, sad, angry, and fearful faces were presented and reaction time was recorded using the AFFECT4.0 software.
Results: All children irrespective of attachment style, were faster in the identification of others’ emotional expressions in attachment situations than in a neutral situation. Boys made more errors in attachment situations than in the neutral situation, while for girls it did not differ. Among children with secure attachment, boys were faster than girls in recognition of emotion.
Conclusion: In terms of attachment theory, attachment styles could have an important impact on the development process of the child’s emotional skills.
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● The attachment style of children may influence their emotional recognition ability.
● Context can interact with the attachment style and influence emotion recognition.
● We showed that gender influences the interaction between attachment style and the context.
Plain Language Summary
Emotion recognition is an ability that is directly linked to the social development of children. Previous researchers suggested that emotion recognition can be influenced by attachment style and context. However, no research has investigated the interaction between them. In our study, we showed that gender plays a factor in this interaction. Boys make more errors in attachment situations than in neutral situations, while girls demonstrate no difference in these situations. Our findings suggest that future studies take a closer look at the role of gender factors in investing the interaction between attachment, context, and emotion recognition.
Type of Study:
Original Research Article |
Cognitive behavioral Received: 2020/11/13 | Accepted: 2020/02/20 | Published: 2020/07/1