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Practice in Clinical Psychology
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Volume 12, Number 3 (2024-7)
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Marital Communication Patterns in Married Women: Investigating the Mediating Role of Defense Mechanisms
Influence of Group Active Play on Social Skill and Emotion Regulation in Children With Hearing Impairment
Investigating the Role of the Broad Autism Phenotype, Social Cognition, and Sense of Loneliness on Internet Addiction in College Students
The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback on the Behavioral Performance of Children With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Time-series Study
Cognitive Abilities in Monolingual and Bilingual Children: A Comparative Study in Azerbaijan, Iran
Comparing the Influence of an Aqua-based Versus a Mindfulness-based Kata Techniques Training on Sleep Habits and Stereotypic Behaviors in Children With Autism
Exploring the Dimensions of Online Child Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis Study
The Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions in Improving Psychological Well-being of Persons With Visual Impairment: A Meta-analysis Study
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