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Practice in Clinical Psychology

Volume 1, Number 4 (2013-10)

Prediction of Patient’s Response to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy by Artificial Neural Network
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The Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters-II (MESSY-II) and Its Adaptation for Iranian Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Social Competence in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Effectiveness of Transdiagnostic Therapy on Emotion Regulation Strategies of Patients with Emotional Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Identifying the Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Variety of Domestic Violence against Women with the Experience of Violence
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Relationship of Psychological Hardiness with Emotional Intelligence and Workaholism
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Psychometric Properties of Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS)
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Therapy on the Severity of Symptoms in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

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