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Practice in Clinical Psychology

Volume 2, Number 3 (2014-7)

Comparison of Maladaptive Coping Styles in Patients with Migraine and Tension Headaches with Normal Group
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Early Maladaptive Schemas, Body Image, and Self-Esteem in Iranian Patients Undergone Cosmetic Surgery Compared with Normal Individuals
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Metacognition and Depression, State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety Symptoms
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Emotion Regulation in Depression: An Integrative Review
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Role of Sensation-Seeking and Coping Strategies in Predicting Addiction Potential among Students
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Prediction of School Anxiety Based on Emotion Regulation Strategies and Fear of Positive Evaluation in Female Students
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Role of Self-compassion, Cognitive Self-control, and Illness Perception in Predicting Craving in People With Substance Dependency
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Relationship Between Negative and Positive Affectivity, Self-focused Attention and Attentional Control With Severity of Social Anxiety Symptoms
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

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