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Practice in Clinical Psychology
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Volume 5, Number 1 (2017-1)
Prediction of Test Anxiety Based on Metacognitive Beliefs and Perfectionism
The Effectiveness of Education Based on Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Behavioral Model on Reducing Meta-worry Belief in Patients With Social Anxiety Disorder
The Relationships Between Anxiety Sensitivity, Irritability, Intrusive Thoughts and Sleep Problems in Patients With Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Testing the Model of attachment, Facial Emotion Recognition, Emotion Regulation, Emotional PerspectiveTaking, and Depression in Female Adolescents
The Association Between Islamic Lifestyle and Addiction Potential Among Adolescents
Treatment of Children’s Aggression by Behavioral Therapy Techniques
Predicting Self-Control on the Basis of Patience and Its Components Among High School Studentsdents
Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schema of Adult Children of Schizophrenic Parent With Adult Children of Healthy Parentalthy parent
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